Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

June 2020


Fractality and Decision Making Processes: A Proposed Applied Approach – A case study

Gentil Silva II, Bruno Rodrigues, Pâmella Oliveira, Juliano Silva, Enio Costa

Abstract Background: The study of mathematical tools correlated with fractal geometric aspects and decision making processes. Some applications other than this are already investigated in the literature (Hernández et al. 2019; Iliasov et al. 2019; Turvey et al. 2019; Kim et al. 2007; Roberts and Turcotte, 1998). The idea is innovative and we generated it after a brainstorming meeting. Objective: The objective of this paper is to propose a subjective tool for data collection about family agricultural production. Due to the low educational level of these Brazilian families, the use of more robust analysis tools becomes unviable, ineffective and mathematically incompatible with the management of this information. In this perspective, we realized that it would be interesting to create a didactically more accessible tool, and geometrically more coherent with mathematical concepts that provide the decision making process. The main hypothesis of the work is around the difficulty of mapping in communities or groups of empirical entrepreneurship. Due to low education, we realized that the application of usual tools became unviable. For that, we created a geometry-based tool, and from it we can diagnose the business model in question and propose decisions for the business analyzed to increase its efficiency. Thus, we use fractal geometry to understand mathematically how these intelligent data analysis processes can be used due to the complexity of the mathematical model. Results: Using an adapted map, we can list the main points of the business model in question, understanding how we can increase the efficiency of this business. This became possible after analyzing the adapted map using basic knowledge of fractal geometry. We hope that by applying this model, other researchers will be able to use similar concepts to analyze data in situations where those involved have low education or need more primitive interviewing tools. Conclusion: We have created an agro mapping tool and through knowledge of fractal geometry we can measure which strategic decisions we must make, so as to increase the likelihood of success of an amateur business in a community near our institution. The approach proved to be innovative and effective for managing information and mathematically measuring the possibility of success. Through the mathematization of social phenomena, physics proves to be extremely interesting and provides students involved in the project with greater

[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-4 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.6.1


Anemia And Staturoponderal Deficit in Pupils Attending the Senior High Schools of Gagnoa (Côte d’Ivoire)

YAO N’guessan Blaise, N’DIA Kouadio Frédéric, GNANGORAN Boua Narcisse, YAPO Angoué Paul

Abstract Background: In Côte d’Ivoire, as in most of sub-Saharan country some studies mentioned presence of anemia and staturoponderal deficit in young’s populations. However, there is a paucity of evidence about the association of anemia with staturoponderal deficit among the adolescents in the Gôh region. Objective: Purpose of study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and some anthropometric and sociodemographic factors which are associated in pupils attending two high schools of Gagnoa (Côte d’Ivoire). Subjects and methods: The study was carried out on 184 adolescents (94 girls and 90 boys) aged 11 to 18 recruited in Senior High Schools 1 and 2 of Gagnoa. Haematological parameters (hemoglobin level, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) using an automatic analyzer (Sysmex XP3000, France) on the elbow each subject. Height and the body weight of each subject were monitored using a measuring rod with a metric tape and a scale respectively. Anthropometric indices (height-for-age Z-score and BMI Z-score) were calculated according to the WHO growth references. A questionnaire was developed to information on the socio-demographic. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 34.2% in the total population with 36.2% for girls and 32.2% for boys. The prevalence of anemia in anemic adolescents with impaired stature and weight were 17.5% and 11.1%, respectively. Socio-demographic factors such as level of education level, Professional status of the father, household size and sibling rank did not influence the distribution of anemia among adolescents population. Conclusion: The study revealed that 34.2% of adolescents had anemia. The high of anemia in this population is not related to its anthropometric status and to different socio-demographic factors. Further, study with large sample size is needed.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 5-10 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.6.2


Productivity Concentration of Three Native Fruit Species of Brazilian Savanna

Gabriel de Mello Freire, Anadalvo Juazeiro dos Santos

Abstract The vegetal exploitation in Brazil has a strong contribution to the country's economy, but it is still an underdeveloped activity for the small producers, resulting in the low capacity to distribute the total production. The aim of paper was to analyze the market structure to the production of three native fruit species from the Cerrado biome through market concentration and market inequality. The vegetable species analyzed were Caryocar brasiliense (pequi), Spondias tuberosa (umbu) and Hancornia speciosa (mangaba). The data for the analysis were obtained on Production of Vegetal Exploitation and of Forestry (or PEVS) through the database Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (the IBGE) for the period from 2016 to 2018. The methodology used consisted of the application of its own indexes for analyze concentration and inequality in a population. The indices were the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, the Joly index, Theil index, concentration ratio and the Gini coefficient. The results of the Herfindahl-Hirschman and Joly indices indicated that market for the species studied as highly concentrated, what means a low distribution across the region of Cerrado. The concentration ratio index showed the state of Minas Gerais as the largest state with a concentration in the production of pequi, mangaba and umbu, respectively. The results also showed that the Brazilian market for these three species was characterized as highly uneven and uncertain. Among the three species, pequi production showed a decrease in production concentration at the end of period. The paper conclusion consisted in the identification of the market structure for each product and in the understanding that the territory of the Cerrado biome in each Brazilian state that comprises it, interferes in the productivity and distribution form of these species.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 11-16 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.6.3


Active changes of lignifications-related enzymes in chili pepper response to Glomus mosseae against Fusarium oxysporum

Anfal Muayad Jalaluldeen, Kamaruzaman Sijam, Nadeem A. Ramadan

Abstract Enzymes activities have responsiblty for the lignification process in chilli pepper, before inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae), infected by pathogenic againt such Fusarium oxysporum, controling biologically effects of G. mosseae and Actinomycetes on Fusarium wilt were studed. Current study done on eight levels: T1: non- mycorrhized healthy plants (control); T2: chilli pepper plants inoculated with F.oxysporum; T3: mycorrhized healthy plants(Gm); T4: mycorrhized plants inoculated with F. oxysporum(Fu);.T5: Actinomycetes(Ac);T6: Actinomycetes inoculated with F.oxysporum; T7: Actinomycetes inoculating with F. oxysporum and mycorrhizae; T8: Actinomycetes with mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae growth rates were reduce 10% in infected plants. For mortality roots which related F. oxysporum were eliminating by pre-inoculation by G. mosseae on tenth day post 10th of infection, Increase peroxidase (PO) activities abbout 186.9 as percentage for Ac-treatment plus Gm root while 167.2% for Gm root, comparing with control group. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was increase throughout 10th d from starting our experiment and while, Ac was decrease in plus Gm roots and the decreasing was slight for Gm +Fu - root, 10th later from infection, PPO was decrease 62.8% in Fu root and about 20% and for Gm+Fu- root, comparing with control group. we found that, antagonistic G. mosseae and Actinomyces inoculating reduce mortalities root, changing activities of lignification and increase isozymes in chilli which has F. oxysporum infection and G. mosseae and Actinomyces have positive effects against F. oxysporum infection.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 17-23 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.6.4


Enhancing and Applying the Accuracy of RTK-GNSS Elevations in Earthworks Estimation

Ahmed M. Hamdy, Mohamed A. Elshewy, Amr M. Elsheshtawy

Abstract Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) as a data acquisition and measurement technique is becoming attractive for many surveying applications in civil engineering. However, RTK's resulting accuracy is still less than the accuracy needed in some engineering works, especially those that rely on measuring the elevations. For this purpose, this paper focuses on enhancing the accuracy of RTK elevations data and assessing the use of the improved elevations in estimating earthworks. Simple Linear Regression (SLR) and Linear Relation (LR) are two models that were developed and used to enhance the accuracy of RTK elevations data. For SLR model, the minimum squares concept was applied in the improvement process. While in LR model, the average of differences between Level and RTK elevations data was used to generate the improved elevations. The Performance evaluation of the studied models was based on a compilation of various statistical parameters and goodness-of-fit measures, the output results of the used models were then compared. The study indicates significant improvements in the RTK elevations data when using the both models. In general, LR model produced better results in elevations than SLR model. The mean value of differences, absolute mean value of differences and RMSE were improved by about 70 percent, 63 percent and 54 percent respectively when using the SLR model to improve the remaining RTK results. While they were improved by about 73 percent, 70 percent, and 61 percent respectively when using LR model. Test results as they relate to excavation and earthmoving construction sites were discussed and presented. Moreover, the experiences with the enhanced RTK elevations data are useful to researchers or practitioners who need to adapt RTK technology effectively to their applications.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 24-31 ] DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.6.5

